How to Talk to Your Family About Your Estate Plan and Avoid Complicating Their Grief

Sarah Duey   I once had clients with only one daughter. They created a living trust for only their grandchild without ever telling their daughter why.   As the trustees, we worked with this daughter, because her child was still a minor. There were hard feelings — a lot of wondering why her …

Provide Parents Help While Taking Care of Yourself

Beth Schanou, Senior Wealth Planner Finances can be difficult to talk about – especially with your parents when they need your financial help.

Planning for the Rising Cost of Dependent and Child Care

Kevin Oleszewski, Senior Wealth Planner For many parents, childcare can be their biggest monthly expense, and rising inflation hasn’t helped matters. Add in the cost of caring for aging parents? You’re likely spending a fortune on care.

You’ve Got the Mini-Fridge for Your College-Bound Kid – Now Don’t Forget the Documents!

My niece’s hard work in high school paid off, and she had many fantastic options for higher education. Despite being from New Jersey, she chose a liberal arts college halfway across the country in Texas and is about to begin her junior year there.

How to Fit the Kids’ College into Your Financial Plan

There is a strong premium on earning a college degree, perhaps driven by previous generations who witnessed the power of education. But you may find yourself receiving a student loan bill every month, even now as you contemplate sending your kids to college. Though an education continues to …

The Cost of Infertility: Navigating IVF Financing

By Erin Wood, Senior Vice President, Financial Planning and Advanced Solutions After my struggle with pregnancy issues, I was surprised by how quickly I found out I wasn’t alone. Friends, relatives, coworkers – people I’d known for years – were suddenly sharing with me a vital but private p …

Preparing for Divorce: How to Assess Your Financial Situation and 4 Professionals Who Can Help

Unfortunately, there will likely be a surge in divorces as a result of the stress related to Covid-19. Divorce is one of the most emotional chapters in someone’s life, and getting guidance through such a time is invaluable. Ending your marriage means you need to paint a realistic picture of …

Teaching Kids about Money from Childhood Through Adulthood

Teaching kids about money is especially complex – you aren’t just passing on a few bucks to go to the movies, but an array of attitudes, values and assumptions regardless of whether you mean to. Your kids watch, in a way not even they are aware of, how you interact with finance and how you …

Caring for Aging Parents – What to Consider – Part 2

For part two, we focus on three topics that may be considered more “actionable” in nature, which we believe will aid people who are concerned with their aging parents.

Caring for Aging Parents – What to Consider Part 1

Caring for aging parents can feel overwhelming. Read our blog that details what we feel are important issues to consider and strategies to employ when one is concerned for one’s aging parents.

How to Financially Prepare Yourself for a Divorce

Your financial advisor may not be the first person you call when considering splitting up, but they should be somewhere on the list. One of the concrete things you can do to help with the process and the healing to follow is to plan ahead. 

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