The Corporate Transparency Act: What You Need to Know

By Mike Valenti, CPA, CFP®, Director,Tax Planning LLCs can provide legal protections and a level of anonymity, either or both of which can be beneficial for business owners, investors, and others with valid intentions. But those features also attract criminal activity, and layers of shell c …

SECURE 2.0 Act Aims to Increase Retirement Savings for Americans

By Jamie Hopkins, Managing Partner, Wealth Solutions   The SECURE 2.0 Act has passed, making it the largest retirement legislation since the original Secure Act hit in the late 2019.

Senate Addresses Taxes, Deficit, Inflation, Health Care in Proposed Bill

By Jamie Hopkins, Managing Director, Wealth Services  Sonu Varghese, Director, Investment Platforms; and Ryan Detrick, Chief Market Strategist, contributed to this report.    Senate Democrats have reached a general agreement on a bill to address climate change, taxes, health care, inflation …

What is the SECURE Act 2.0? Key Takeaways from the Latest in Retirement Legislation

By Jamie Hopkins, Managing Partner, Wealth Solutions  The next wave of retirement planning reform is headed for shore. 

Trends to Watch Out for in Q1 2022

We’re in a pretty interesting juncture in the markets. As we kick off the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the omicron variant is spreading across the country.

Most Changes to Personal Taxes, Retirement Plans Dropped from Build Back Better Act Tax Provisions

By Jamie Hopkins In September, I covered the proposed tax plan released by House Democrats on the House Ways and Means Joint Committee, which would help pay for the $3.5 trillion Build Back Better Act through changes to corporate, personal and other taxes, as well as retirement plans.

Proposed Bill Includes Tax Increases for High Earners, Retirement Account Changes

Last week, Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee released a draft of their proposed tax plan, which includes changes to corporate, personal and other taxes, as well as retirement plans – though Social Security would be untouched.

Rebate Checks, Child Tax Credits, Unemployment Benefits and More: What You Need to Know about the $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Package

The latest stimulus package – signed into law Thursday by the Biden Administration – is built to boost the middle class and low-income Americans, the goal being of course to speed up economic recovery.

17 Things You Need to Know About the New Stimulus Package

President Trump has signed the new $900 billion economic relief and spending bill passed by Congress. Here are 17 takeaways from the new legislation that you should know.

6 Planning Opportunities for 401(k)s in Light of the SECURE Act

By the very name, the SECURE Act – or Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act – is designed to enhance retirement savings. There are several provisions in the new law to help accomplish this goal.

The Importance of Adapting in Uncertain Times

Life has already changed under COVID-19 in big and small ways. Think about the restaurants and retail stores that have adapted to accommodate online orders and curbside pickups. Think about shoppers and clerks wearing masks at the grocery store. Think about the number of businesses that hav …

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