High Net Worth Insurance and Risk Management
Our team of Insurance Specialists identifies risks which could tremendously impair your financial situation. While it’s important to focus on what may go right with your situation, it’s also crucial to consider how you may be negatively impacted without protections in place. Cost effectively transferring risk to the deeper pockets of an insurance company may be prudent to minimize the financial damage of a catastrophic, unanticipated event.
Some of the ways we utilize insurance in the financial planning process include:
- Life: Considers income replacement as well as business succession funding and estate planning through a vehicle which may be income tax and estate tax free, if structured properly.
- Disability: Protects your income in the event of your inability to work prior to financial freedom.
- Long-Term Care: Provides financial support for Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) in respite care, adult day care, in-home care, assisted living as well as nursing home care.