Amber Taylor

Director of Business Development

Meet Amber

Amber Taylor is a Director of Business Development based in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Amber is the Director of Business Development at Carson Wealth. She loves to find creative ways to solve problems, connect with others, and to try to find ways to help others. She believes that the world is full of opportunities and adventure. Motivated by getting the most out of life and wanting others to do the same, finance and investing became her passion. She loves knowing that nothing is out of reach with some careful decisions and a little courage.

Amber grew up in Littleton, Colorado and currently lives in South Jordan, UT with her two kids, Graham and Kaycee. Her favorite thing to do is spend time with her kids. She enjoys learning about new things, running, hiking, reading, writing, art, and eating vegan food. Amber is passionate about many things but has an especially soft spot for animals. She is always dreaming up new entrepreneurial pursuits and can often be found creating new products or business ideas in her spare time. Her number one goal is for her kids experience a happy, healthy, and secure life, full of laughter and joy as they grow.


Carson Wealth

2150 S. 1300 East Ste. 500
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
(801) 683-1000