Cody Augustus

Regional Compliance Manager

Meet Cody

Cody Augustus is a Regional Compliance Manager based in Omaha, Nebraska.

About Cody

Cody Augustus supports Carson Group as a Regional Compliance Manager. He is a direct contact for the advisors and offices in his region to offer education and implement a thriving culture of compliance. Cody is part of the Compliance Committee that reviews policies and procedures to make sure they are adequately supervised and current with evolving regulatory landscape.

He has financial services experience with Broker/Dealers, Clearing Firms, and Insurance Companies. Cody has worked in a variety of facets, including client services, operations, sales, and compliance.

Cody and his wife Laura have two daughters and two dogs, Bolt and Katie, that keep them busy. He enjoys outdoor activities, such as camping and hiking, and likes to play recreational sports.

Favorite TV show:

Game of Thrones

Favorite holiday:

July 4th

Something on Cody’s bucket list:

Learn Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese and Japanese

If Cody could meet anyone, past or present, it would be:

Joe Rogan

Carson Wealth

14600 Branch St.
Omaha, NE 68154
(888) 321-0808