
IRS Section 1202: Don’t Miss This Tax Exclusion

By Paul West, Managing Partner, CFP®, CAP®, CExP   Business owners: do you know that the first $10,000,000 of business sale proceeds could be tax-free? Owing no federal income tax after selling stock may seem far-fetched, but in some instances it’s possible.

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Financial Advice for Millennials, from a Millennial

There are a few specific challenges, and therefore specific solutions, that I see millennials facing. Let’s imagine a conversation I might have with this hypothetical 20- or 30-something, and look at some financial advice for millennials. 

Answers to 3 Big Questions on Clients’ Minds

I like every part of the presentation experience. Meeting the clients is motivating. I enjoy sharing what recently happened in markets, speaking to the current situation, and educating clients about future opportunities and risks. What I enjoy most is answering clients’ questions.

Why You Might Need a Power of Attorney

Have you thought about your legacy? We highly recommend that you appoint a trusted family member or friend as your power of attorney (POA), giving them the ability to help with your financial or health needs, should an unfortunate event occur in your life.

How a Donor-Advised Fund Can Help Your Charitable Giving

Giving is an important part of our society. It provides us the opportunity to support causes we believe in and make a positive impact. Giving isn’t always about donating money. It can also include volunteering time or donating goods and resources. Here are some examples of the impact:

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